Life of a Grad student - Procrastination
I always thought about writing a diary but it never went well, I didn't continue. It may be because I didn't find a good reason for writing these garbage (well sort of!) or my habit of procrastination.
Yeah! I am really good at procrastinating. My creativity kicks off at the very last moment before the deadline. Some people motivates by seeing other people, getting inspiration from nature (or whatever), I motivate when I panic!

Last spring I took a course on 'Phase transition'. We had a take home exam. Professor gave us a whole week to solve that. Guess what? I didn't touch the exam for five days. On the sixth day, I took a look at the questions for the very first time and realized it wasn't that easy as I thought. I panicked!! I spent the whole day to solve it, whole night to write it down. Well..... not the whole night, I ended up sleeping around 3:30am, even 3 cups of coffee didn't help.

And woke up around 12:30pm. Yaaikss!! I was late. I rushed to the school and submitted whatever I had. After turned in my copy, suddenly realized I made a huge blunder in the calculations but there was nothing I could do. I wish I would've started earlier.
My procrastination level depends on how much things need to be done. The more the workload, the harder I procrastinate. A single line of equation can easily express my situation-
$$\text{My Procrastination level}\propto \text{Stuffs I need to do} $$
Graphically it can be shown as-

(struggle continues...)
Illustration: Fazle R Dayeen